When I'm talking about colors I plan to paint rooms, Adam always says "Why don't you do something with color?," so I ask him "what color would you want?" And well, he can never come up with an answer. There are many people out there that paint their walls vibrant, bright colors, which is great...but I just can't make myself do it. I get tired of things too quickly and I'm afraid I would want to repaint it in a year or two. So I stick with more neutral colors that allow me to play with colorful fabrics, furniture and accessories of all colors, as shown below....(these are not pictures from our house, although I wish they were...just inspiration)

I'm hoping that my weekend won't be taken over by more dining room work, and I can actually finish the sewing project I mentioned earlier in my blog. I'm halfway done with it...and my deadline is quickly approaching.
As for my next project? I've decided to make a fabric cozy for our dining room telelvison. We finally broke down and decided to add a TV upstairs last year, so that we could watch news in the morning. Previously we only had one TV and it was downstairs. Due to my terrible habbit of getting sucked into ridiculous shows sometimes, I was not about to add one to our bedroom or upstairs family room....I know we'd spend too much time in front of seperate tubes. So, we came to a compromise and added a TV in our kichen/ dining area (HD cable only, so we don't have a plethora of channels) and we are able to watch the morning and evening news....and some Bachelor if Adam has a KU bball game to watch. Anyway, the point is that the TV is somewhat of an eye sore, so I decided to make a quick, easy cover so that it doesn't look too gadgety in the dining room. Now just need to find the perfect fabric......
I'll be writing about our wine class last night soon. It definitely was the best class yet, so I have lots of suggestions! All I can say now is almost everything from the Rhone Valley is delish!
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