And the 8th month is here! I can't even believe 2012 begins tomorrow! It has been quite the year for us and we are so blessed to have our little bundle arriving in just two short months. We had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas in Colorado. We were able to catch up on things around the house and enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.
How Far Along: 33 weeks- but picture was taken at 32 weeks
Size of Baby: Imagine a Pineapple- just over 4lbs and 17 inches long
Total Weight Gain: A whopping 25lbs!
Maternity Clothes: Thanks to both my mother and mother-in-law, I will have enough maternity clothes to make it through the rest of this pregnancy. I love having lots of maternity, ruched t-shirts, because they cover my belly and are good with layering for work and can be casual too.
Sex: Check back in 7 more weeks!
Movement: LOTS....There is a constant bulge on one side of my belly button that is always moving back and forth to either side. When I went in for my doctor appointment this week I asked the doctor if she would mind feeling the baby to get an idea of his or her position. So, she proceeded to feel around and said "Wow, that bulge by your belly button is really hard, let's do an ultrasound to see for sure how it's positioned." I hated to make her do an ultrasound just for that, but I couldn't argue with her. So, I was able to get another glimpse at the little one, and he or she was head down...with buns of steel- as the doctor said. That constant bulge is the VERY hard rump. I'm pretty impressed...either it's a boney butt or the little one has been doing lunges in my belly. Either way, the position is perfect, just crossing our fingers that the baby will not rotate in the next week, as after week 34 it's unlikely the baby will flop around with the little room he or she will have in there.
Sleep: Really not too bad. I wake up for nightly bathroom breaks and roll back and forth from side to side to stay comfortable, but it's not terribly uncomfortable to sleep.
What I miss: Being able to easily maneuver myself without feeling like I'll run into ever corner I walk past. Also, it will be nice to have my mobility back- working out just doesn't seem comfortable to me and hasn't for a while. When I would use the treadmill, my legs would constantly whack the bottom of my belly, so it becomes uncomfortable quickly.
Cravings: Nothing in particular. I've eaten more sweets than usual lately, but that's about it.
Symptoms: Heartburn. It's common for me to have an aching pain at the top of my belly...which I'm attributing to heartburn. Also, I've had some really harsh round ligament pain in the last couple weeks, especially when I stand quickly or make sudden movements.
What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower in a couple weeks! Also, looking forward to finishing up our to-do list (making freezer meals, finishing up the nursery, buying any last minute baby items, etc.). And of course the arrival of the little nugget.
Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2012! Have a safe NYE!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas in Colorado
With Baby C just under 10 weeks away from making his or her grand entrance into the world, Adam and I will be spending the Christmas Holiday here in Colorado. This is our fifth year living here, and our first time staying in CO for Christmas. As it approaches I have mixed feelings about missing the Holiday in Missouri. Of course I'll miss seeing our families and partaking in the normal Christmas traditions I've had for the last 27 years, but I must admit that I am looking forward to starting our own family traditions as a family of 3 (well almost). We are lucky enough to have my aunt, uncle and their daughters nearby, so we'll be heading up Christmas evening to spend time with them, but for the rest of the weekend it will be all us, all the time.
Now I'm planning in my head what food I will make over the long weekend. First up- breakfast on Christmas morning! Here are some of the DELICIOUS looking things I've found so far.

Can you tell I'm craving sweet things right now? I'm not afraid to admit that the two things I want to try the most are the cinnamon pulls and the pumpkin donuts. Of course I would add some fruit for some nutritional value, but who wants to search for fruit dish ideas?
Happy planning for your Christmas meals!
Now I'm planning in my head what food I will make over the long weekend. First up- breakfast on Christmas morning! Here are some of the DELICIOUS looking things I've found so far.

I've made these a few times and LOVE them. We've also used sausage chunks instead of bacon. They are SO easy- can do them on just any normal weekend.

OK, so maybe we'd have to use a much smaller loaf of bread for just the two of us :)
Only 100 calories!

Happy planning for your Christmas meals!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Nursery: Part 1
We have had so much fun putting together our little one's nursery! There are many things on our to-do list still, but I hope to slowly share tidbits of the little bean's room.
First, is the baby's quilt, which my Mom (Nonnie to the baby) was nice enough to make us. It's so perfect, and turned out even better than I imagined! Don't you just love it?!
First, is the baby's quilt, which my Mom (Nonnie to the baby) was nice enough to make us. It's so perfect, and turned out even better than I imagined! Don't you just love it?!
She made the bumper pads too. Unfortunately those will have to remain in the closet for a while before we can put them in the crib- but this way you can get the full effect.
Tune in for more updates soon!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
30 weeks and showered with love
I've been missing for a while, but for good reasons. Believe it or not, life has been crazy busy! Baby on the way, Thanksgiving, Christmas around the corner, baby classes, work and the list could go on. But, I think it's about time for an update.
We made the trek back to MO for the Thanksgiving holiday. It was so great being able to visit with our families one last time before Baby C arrives. We spent the first half of our week in Memphis, MO with Adam's parents and then headed down to Jeff City, MO on Thanksgiving day to spend the rest of the week with my family. As usual, it never seems like we spend an entire week at home, but that's how all vacations are, right? But, we were able to do lots of fun stuff: get some much needed R&R, visit with lots of family and friends, attend the (possibly last) MU vs. KU football game in K.C., MO, eat lots of wonderful food and have our first baby shower! Everything was simply perfect, and we couldn't have asked for a better trip.
As always, my camera didn't take as many pictures as I would have hoped :) It died in the middle of the shower, and I was the smart one that packed the GPS charger instead of the camera charger...oops- it fit, what was I supposed to think?! But, my cousin, Gretchen, was nice enough to take some great shots at the shower.
Baby C is beyond blessed to have so many people that already love him or her so much. Thanks to all our generous friends and family, we now have a full nursery, not to mention a full bookshelf! Guests were asked to bring a book for the baby, so we now have a wonderful collection for all ages- and we've already read quite a few to the little bean.
After getting back from MO, I had my 28 week doctors appointments (7 months, can you believe it?!). This appointment included the much anticipated glucose test you hear so many terrible things about and a Rhogam shot. Maybe it was the anticipation for something completely terrible, but I really didn't think the glucose drink was bad! I gulped it right down. I think I'm in the minority on that one- to me it just tasted like sugary, flat orange soda and it didn't have the weird, oily consistency that I thought it might. And, results came back normal- so no 3 hour glucose test for this gal! As for the shot, since I have a negative blood type, I'm required to get a shot now and after delivery. Essentially this will deter the chances of my body fighting off any future pregnancies where the baby may have a positive blood type (most common). Sort of weird, I know, but nothing scary- it's completely normal.
And now, we are at 30 weeks! With the seventh month comes more doctor appointments- we're now on a bi-weekly schedule!
How far along: 30 weeks
Size of baby: Size of a head of cabbage (15.7 inches long and almost 3 lbs)
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs!
Maternity Clothes: I've given up on normal, non-maternity clothes! I literally tried on 3 outfits the other morning before I finally just gave up. So many shirts are too short or tight. After that little episode I got online and had yet another maternity shopping spree!
Sex: 60% of you think Baby C is a boy, but it seems like 90% of the people I talk to think it's a little girl. My gut is still saying girl- but we'll see in 10 weeks if my maternal instinct is reliable.
Movement: Lots of rolling! Adam couldn't stop laughing at our birthing class this week because the little one was just jumping around in there! My stomach was constantly poking in all directions. So amazing!
Sleep: Starting to go downhill again. Once I get up for my nightly bathroom run, falling back asleep is tough.
What I miss: Being able to hold off on bathroom breaks. What makes it even worse is the bathrooms at our work are being renovated, so I have to take the elevator waddle (yes I'm starting to waddle now) down the stairs for my many bathroom trips. I swear everytime I stand up, I need to go.
Cravings: Nothing really, just any food.
Symptoms: Outside of growing at a much quicker pace, I've really had no major symptoms. Of course there's the difficulty getting out of bed and chairs, the shortness of breath, and oh the bathroom breaks.
Symptoms: Outside of growing at a much quicker pace, I've really had no major symptoms. Of course there's the difficulty getting out of bed and chairs, the shortness of breath, and oh the bathroom breaks.
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing our baby to-do list, which seems unending. There is lots to do in the nursery, thanks to all the wonderful gifts we've received, so I'm very anxious to finish it up. And I'm looking forward to maternity photos next weekend (did you notice the new, cleaner hair cut).
Thanks for checking in with us, I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Clapp house over the Holidays. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for checking in with us, I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the happenings around the Clapp house over the Holidays. Have a great weekend!
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