Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We celebrated Easter this year with my family.  It was such a wonderful weekend and we were so glad to spend it with family.  Vivian enjoyed it too....expect for the dress.  It was very hard to snap a picture without her screaming ; )
Thank you Grandpa Greg and Cynthia for the fuzzy bunny!  And Great Grandma Steuber for the Easter quilt!

Lots of Easter baskets for everyone!

Sick of pictures!

Much better without the bow!

Love my Nonnie and Poppie!


  1. Sorry I missed you at church on Sunday! I know it's from a few posts ago, but I'm glad you're getting use out of the Itzbeen! I was hoping it was a good gift idea. I've been using ours a lot lately too keeping track of when each kid has had medicine last...

  2. Love that picture of Vivian and your mom.
