Sunday, October 2, 2011

20 Weeks

We've reached the halfway mark!  And I'm so shocked that it's already here!  We kicked off the 20th week with a trip to Minneapolis for the wedding of one of Adam's good friends.

This was our last out of state wedding for the year, and the last plane trip we'll be taking before Baby C arrives.  I couldn't help but think of that fact the entire trip, especially when we were in the airports.  Gone are the days of speeding through security with my two carry-ons.  Now we'll be lugging a stroller, car seat, breast pump, and just tons more gear.  It will be an eye opener when I have to veer away from the expert traveler lane and move into the family lane.  I will be one of THOSE people that other travelers avoid being behind when they see our load-o-stuff.  And lets not get started on the topic of crying babies on planes, that just stresses me out to think about.  Our first plane trip with baby will be right back to Minneapolis next Spring, and though it will be more of a chore, I can't wait for our first family vacation!

Fall was in full swing in Minneapolis!  The leaves were changing and the weather was cool, just a taste of what's coming our way in the next few days, no more 80 degree temps- which I couldn't be more excited about!

How far along: 20 weeks 
Size of baby: Size of a banana 

Total Weight Gain: Just around 10 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I enjoy shopping, but shopping for clothes is not something I do often.  I usually spend more of my money on house stuff.  Things have changed, though.  It seems now that I make a trip to buy some new clothes about once a week.  Mostly because I'm constantly realizing that things which worked a week or two ago, no longer work.  I really enjoy having maternity pants.  The belly bands are just not working for me any longer.  When I got out of my car to gas up and looked down to see the bottom half of my un-zipped zipper exposed, I knew the bands wouldn't work with jeans anymore.  I still try to steer clear of maternity tops, just because it seems that there are normal tops that still have enough coverage for the belly.  Target has become one of my favorite shopping spots, mostly because they have a maternity section and are so affordable.
Sex:  Check back in 20 weeks!  I'm going to try to start a poll on the blog too, to see if you all think Baby C will be a boy or girl!
Movement: Once I'm settled in and relaxed, I can really feel the baby moving around in there.  Not extremely strong yet, but it's increasing more and more each day.
Sleep: Not spectacular, but I'm coping.
What I miss: I never drank soda pre-pregnancy, but now I seem to always want one.  The occasional trip to Panera is nice though, because they have caffeine free Pepsi :)
Cravings: Nothing really, just any food, oh and the soda.
Symptoms: Besides the large bump, I have been getting more round ligament pain.

What I’m looking forward to: 20 week appointment tomorrow morning!  They won't be revealing the sex, but we will get LOTS of pictures of the little one :).  

We also cleaned out the Nursery this weekend.  I piled into the crib all the clothes and other goodies we have for the baby so far. Thanks to everyone who gave Baby C these wonderful gifts!  

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