Thanks to everyone for all the Birthday wishes that came my way today through phone call, text, Facebook, email, card...whatever way they came to me, I feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends! This has been such a great year, so I thought I'd share some of the highlights.
I'll warn you, this by no means was a well documented year. I've never been the girl to bring her camera in her purse everywhere and snap pictures left and right, heck I didn't even have a small enough camera until a few weeks ago. So, my hope is that next year will be one full of fun pictures to prove that I actually did all these great things, but for now I may have to fudge and insert other pictures that give you the idea! :)
Adam and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary at our traditional Anniversary getaway spot- Glenwood Springs, CO. This year we stayed at a B&B, sat in the steam caves and took Mineral Baths at the spa.
Had all kinds of visitors. My Dad, Stepmom and Brother, Slater, all made it out to see our new house and we made a trip together up to Rocky Mountain National Park. Adam's parents came and stayed nearby in Evergreen, CO for almost a month! And of course my Mom and family came out in July for a wedding/ family reunion (below).
My Cousin Whitney got married! It was a gorgeous wedding on the CSU campus in Fort Collins, CO. And nearly the whole family made it out to celebrate! This is a pretty big deal when you have 8 aunts and uncles just on one side of your family, along with lots of cousins! |
Now, can you really blame me for not taking a lot of pictures when we were tearing up the dancefloor all night?! |
We traveled to Minneapolis (my first time) for Adam's friend, Alex's, wedding. It was such a fun weekend in downtown Minneapolis, and we're looking forward to returning this fall AND next spring for two more weddings!
We designed and remodeled our first kitchen!
Brunette Besties Reunion in Chicago! Jessica finally returned from Japan and we all met up for a girls weekend in Chicago! I <3 the Brunette Trifecta! And this picture is from before Adam and I even got married......see I'm really bad.
We took our first Spring Trip since College! And my first trip back to my Grandparents house in FL since High School! We also both changed jobs this year. My new job at The Denver Foundation allows me to do work I'm really interested in and have a much better work/life balance. |
Did my first cleanse! |
Took a wine class and drank LOTS of new wines! |
Celebrated by "Dogter's" 3rd Birthday in December...that's 21 in dog years people! She's gonna be older than me by year end!
And of course we traveled home to celebrate Christmas with our Family's in MO...but again no pictures.
It's been a year for the record books, and I'm so glad I've been able to share it with all my family and friends- new or old. We are so blessed to have found such great new friends here in our new Denver home. (Another thing that deserves pictures, but I'm trying to wrap this up to get out of here for my Birthday dinner) Thanks to everyone who helped this year be such a great one! Love you all! XOXOXO
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