Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter reading

As some of you might have heard or read in my previous posts, my wonderful father and mother-in-law read my mind for Christmas and bought us each a Kindle.  Reading is a hobby that Adam has had since birth, but I recently picked it up and can't get enough.  Last night I wrapped up the book "Those Who Save Us" by Jenna Blum. Great book!
This is a novel about a German mother and daughter who lived in Germany during WWII and later moved to the US.  It was interesting to hear a story about how this war impacted Germans, women in particular, and how much of a struggle and tragedy it was for many of these families.  Something that isn't touched on nearly as much as the devastation the Jews faced.  I highly recommend this book for those of you that are interested in this time period or just want to read a wonderful story about a strong woman who overcomes so much to raise her daughter.

Next up:



There are so many more, but these are the ones currently in my que.

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